Beverage dispensing


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Smarter fountains in Switzerland

Geneva inaugurated its first sparkling water fountain in June 2022 to beat the repeated heatwaves we all suffered this year. This installation marks Switzerland's first public fountain providing still & sparkling water 90% of which comes from the lake. While SIG also supplies more than 1'400 public fountains throughout the city of Geneva, outdoor reseller Urbanat and water dispenser manufacturer Fontaineo, joined efforts to campaign and shake the heatwave with its first smart fountain. Equipped with Droople’s iLink sensors and artificial intelligence platform, this collaboration would precisely monitor the consumption of water and the economical impact single-use plastic bottles has on the environment.
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Sparkling Water for the Office

Die Kaffeemeister, a newly launched brand by Soennecken, DE, turned to Droople technology to leverage the power of data insights to optimize its operations, monitor the usage and ensure the highest levels of service. After the first pilot phase, Die Kaffeemeister is now able to offer the first global system that combines automated management of both water filters and CO2 bottles – while passersby can view real-time sustainability statistics on an Awareness Screen at the bar.
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Reducing plastic waste with sustainability metrics

The data gathered over five weeks revealed that the yearly affluence to one water fountain amounts to roughly 48’000 users, with a yearly water usage of about 12’000 liters. The use of one water dispenser is therefore contributing to avoiding the production of some 24’000 plastic bottles a year!
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SDIS de la Plaine de l’Orbe

The SDIS de la Plaine de l'Orbe is proud to provide its firefighters with a smart water fountain. Thanks to the Droople system, we can see our environmental impact in real time.

Jonathan Gomber

Firehouse Commander

Regler Coffee

Active climate protection, health promotion and cost savings are the 3 most important advantages: Do employees drink enough water at the office? What is the environmental impact? Good for the environment, good for the wallet.

Bernhard Kiesel

Managing Director


Droople makes it possible to track tap water consumption and the environmental impact it saves in real time. A real added value for all involved!

Lior Etter

Co-founder & Managing Director


Thanks to fountainOS, as a company we can calculate the water consumption to best meet the customer's request. Water consumption is calculated so that the filter can be changed at the right time.

Béatrice Mauroux

Sales Manager


Already a great success with +17,000 liters distributed, with +62,700 consumers... the ecological impact (via Droople's technology) is very positive with nearly 34,000 50cl plastic bottles saved and 3,000 kg less CO2!

Fabrice Cretin

General Director

Die Kaffeemeister

No more unnecessary inspections by service operators, enabling all-remote monitoring and putting IoT at the service of office solution providers.

Tobias Wiebe

Expansion Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

What gateway should I choose?

There are several gateways that can be used Wifi, 4G, Ethernet LoRa Gateways. Further “Connectivity” FAQs on our Support page

How do I install the device ?

Once you've unboxed your Droople Package consisting of an iLink & sensor(s) and gateway, (1) retrofit the sensor to the consumable. (2) Retrofit the sensor to the inline pipe, (3) Turn on your gateway, (4) Scan to configure your Droople iLink, and (5) Activate by pulling the iLink ticket. Watch do-it-yourself DIY tutorials, or here for further instructions and FAQ based on your product. (

How do I configure my device on the platform ?

Each Droople iLink has a unique QR Code. Scanning takes you to configure it to a new or existing "asset". After configuration and use of your tap, you already have access to your metrics. For detailed instructions, you can find videos and tutorials on our Support page:

Where do I find support documents ?

Our Support page can be found here
Our Technical Specifications here.

Who can I contact when I need help?

Feel free to email for any questions or feedback.

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